In every chapter, odd-numbered exercises in the PracTice Problems are Clinical Applications
paired with even-numbered exercises. The answers for the magenta,
odd-numbered PracTice Problems are given at the end of each chapter.
The complete solutions to the odd-numbered PracTice Problems are in
the STudy Guide and Srude/11 Solwions Manual.
1.3 Obtain a bottle of multivitamins, and read the list of ingredient~.
What are four chemicals from the list?
1.4 Obtain a box of breakfast cereal, and read the list of ingredients.
1.1 Write a one-sentence definition for each of the following:
What are four chemicals from the list?
a. chemistry b. chemical 1.5 Read the labels on some items found in your medicine cabinet.
1.2 Ask two of your friends (not in this class) to define the terms
in problem 1.1. Do their answers agree with the definitions you
What are the names of some chemicals contained in those items?
1.6 Read the labels on products used to wash your dishes. What are
the names of some chemicals contained in those products?
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