Letter To The Principal

As educators, community members, and/or parents we all play a role in disrupting problematic school practices. In this final assignment you will identify one problematic practice in education and, (1) describe the problem (historical context), (2) explain why it is harmful to students, and (3) offer solutions. The assignment will be written in the form […]

How Food Delivery Services Benefit Society

This essay needs to be rewritten. I will attach the instruction sheet and the current essay. It must be three full pages. No first-person or second-person pronouns. (That’s me, I, we, our, us, you and your.) So you want to go through and remove any uses of “your” or “we.” The introduction paragraph needs to […]

Philosophy Of Global Citizenship Essay

write a 3-page narrative defining your ‘Philosophy of Global Citizenship’ and your outlook on global issues, as well as how they relate to what you read in the required texts, Thinking in Systems: A primer by Donella Meadows and The Idealist: Jeffrey Sachs and the Quest to End Poverty by Nina Munk. 1.make sure the […]

Pros And Cons Of Eliminating The Death Penalty

write out both sides of the argument and then conclude with your idea of a policy or change in the law with supporting examples and then effects and consequences of the proposed change.

Old Man And The Sea : Code Hero

In a well written essay with introduction, thesis statement, evidence , elaboration, and conclusion, explain how Santiago fits the mold of a Hemingway Code Hero. Make sure you identify and explain three Code Hero characteristics and provide examples explaining how Santiago fulfills these characteristics. Be sure to choose characteristics you understand, can explain and can […]

Old Man And The Sea : Code Hero

Chapters 10 & 11 1. Do many people approach a new relationship with an unknown party with remarkably high levels of trust? 2. What role does trust play in an online negotiation? 3. Why are negative reputations difficult to repair? 4. What unique pressures and conflicts does representing a constituent create for an agent? 5. […]

Effects Of Anxiety On Behavior And The Body

This is for a Physiological Psychology class. My professor’s instructions: All of your articles/books must have been published since 2000, in a recognized, peer reviewed journal or academic book. You may use internet-only resources, however these must be carefully-chosen, academically rigorous sites. Not more than 2 of your references can be websites/internet-only resources. Note that […]


Word count: 1500(DO NOT OVER 1500 WORDS!!)     Reference style: Harvard style Sources need to be used in the following three textbook, other sources should comes from GOOGLE SCHOLAR, should be MAIN source,CAN NOT use SECONDARY sources! ! ! There are three books for sources(PLEASE ALSO CITED THEM IN TEXT) link to access the […]

Pricing Products

Consider the development of new products and pricing them for international (global) markets. (1) Describe and explain why some domestic products in the U.S may be suitable for global markets, while others may require major changes to be successful in global markets. (2) Explain the reasons why a product that is successful in the U.S […]

Politics And Data Using R Software

PSC 400: Midterm Exam Exercise 1 Identify the appropriate level of measurement for the following variables: (a) Transparency.org’s corruption index by country (from 0 = most corrupt to 100 = least corrupt) (b) Number of delegates to the Democratic Party’s national convention by state (c) Respondents’ answer to the Gallup Poll question “In general are […]