UNDERSTANDING THE CONCEPTSThe chaprer Secrians ro review are shown in paremheses arrhe end ofeach problem.1.35 A “chemical-free” shampoo includes the following ingredients:water, cocamide, glycerin, and c itric acid. Is the shampoo truly“chemical-free”? (1 .1)1.36 A “chemical-free” sunscreen includes the following ingredients:titanium dioxide, vitamin E, and vitamin C. Is the sunscreentruly “chemical-free”? ( I. I)1.37 According […]

Writ ing Numbers in Scientific Notation

1.27 Write each of the following in scientific notation: 1.29 Which number in each of the following pairs is larger?a. 55 000 b. 480 c. 0.000 005 a. 7.2 x 103 or 8.2 x 102 b. 4.5 x 10-<~ or 3.2 x 10- 2d. 0.000 14 e. 0.0072 f. 670 000 c. I X 10″ […]