Assessment –Report
Length: 1500 words
You are required
to research APES110 The Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants.
After researching
APES110 prepare a report that addresses the following:
· Background information (How and why APES110 was
written e.g. who authored it? Why was it adopted? etc.)
· Explain the relationship between a profession
and a code of ethics
· Describe what a code of ethics/conduct/
professional behavior is and why is it important
· Describe what ethics and professional conduct
means to you (Accountant)
Choose a code of
ethics/conduct for another profession (e.g. medical professionals, marketers)
Compare and contrast the code with APES110. Are there any principles
common to both? How do they differ? Are some principles particular to
accounting or are they all transferable to other professions?
Your report should
consist of:
· Title page;
· Table of contents;
· Executive Summary;
· Introduction
· Body of the report answering the questions
listed above;
· Conclusion; and
· References (APA reference style – 6th
Ethics and professional
conduct are extremely important in the workplace and different professions have
different requirements and expectations of their members. Accountants are
expected to comply with APES110. Furthermore, as part of your entry into CPA
Australia or ICAA, you will undertake an ethics module. Knowledge of your
professional code of ethics should stand you in good stead for your future
studies, and for your professional development.
Students will be graded
according to the level which they demonstrate:
- Communication skills
- Problem solving skills
- Ability to analyse information
- Ability to present information in a coherent and well
structured report - Ability to write in report format
- Ability to follow presentation guidelines
Your work must be in areport
format. Please refer to the
FoB (Faculty of Business) Writing Skills resource (Topic 7) for
advice regarding report writing:
Use 1.5 or 2.0 spacing.
Use 2.5 cm margins both
sides in order for markers to be able to provide their feedback.
Use Times New Roman font
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