The assignment should be submitted in Blackboard: CTEC350\ HW5
Due Date in Blackboard
In this assignment, you will explore vulnerability assessment in information systems. This
assignment has four parts, and you are required to complete all parts.
Part1: (5 points): Discuss how a component’s design may create vulnerabilities in information
You need to discuss the following components of vulnerabilities in information systems. Include
four more of your own components and explain them.
- What is a vulnerability assessment?
- What is the purpose of a vulnerability assessment?
- What does a vulnerability assessment provide?
- What is the assessment approach?
- What is the vulnerability management process?
- What vulnerability assessment types are there?
- Why is vulnerability assessment important?
Part2: (5 points): You need to use the open source tools to perform vulnerability assessment
Open source vulnerability assessment tools are a great option for organizations that want to save
money or customize tools to suit their needs.
You need to use the following open-source vulnerability assessment testing software: - OpenVAS (http://www.openvas.org/)
- OpenSCAP (https://www.open-scap.org)
- Nmap (https://www.nmap.org)
- Wireshark (https://www.wireshark.org)
You need to describe the results and performance of each tool and describe how you did systemlevel testing for each one.
Part3: (5 points): Describe unit testing tools and techniques, as distinguished from those used in
system-level testing.
Part4: (5 points): What are the advantages and disadvantages of vulnerability assessment tools
in the part2?
Any assignment received after the time of the class is considered late (NO EXCUSES) and is
graded with a zero.