analysisformat guidelines: (APA Style)
A maximum of three pages 1500 words in length plus cover page
Cover page: Title, Your Name, Date, Instructor Name
Use Heading and subheading through the body of the analysis
spaced and the pages should be numbered
1inch margins – top bottom left and right
12 point font size for body and 14 for heading
free of spelling errors, good sentence structure, and use punctuation. Proofread
your paper
an established referencing system forrelated
information you searched and gathered. refer to the attached file for help in
Case analysiscontent
Read the case backwards and forwards before you begin your
Give yourself enough time to write the analysis. You don’t want to
rush through it. Be objective in your evaluations. Don’t let personal issues
and opinions cloud your judgment. Be analytical, not descriptive
Look for the facts and relevant data in the case such
as; The organizational factors, Product or service being delivered, the major
issue, minor ones, Divisions/departments involved, Key persons, titles,
positions on the issues, demographics, main concerns, the time line of events
Describes the dilemma in detail evidencing the
important facts and any related information you searched and gathered and
ascertains exactly what must be decided.How might an
employee / manger /group engaged in unethical behavior? What are the values
being violated?
Determines who is involved in the decision making process
for this case. Put yourself in the shoes of the person making the decision.
Consider the various roles held by that person. Evaluate the pros and cons of
the possible decisions from each of these roles.
Accurately identifies all of the interested stakeholders.
For each stakeholder, how would they be affected by the possible decisions?
What might they have to say about it (pros and cons)?
Thoroughly assesses each ethics views as you would prefer any/all
of them. In general, you should evaluate your recommendations in terms of both
the compliance with law and regulations as well as the application of different
ethics views/standards. How do your recommendations in your report ensure
compliance with the law and with different ethics views? What are your
recommendations to motivate whoever involved behaving ethically?
Finally, whatever your choice was, the quality of your report is
not a matter of which decision you made but rather how you made it, what are
the standards you built your belief upon and how you are prepared toward the
consequence of your decision. Many ethicists
assert there’s always a right thing to do based on moral principle, and others
believe the right thing to do depend on the situation — ultimately it’s up to
the individual. Be sure to justify your answer
Whether the case is open ended or close ended you need to stress on
the following dimensions in your analysis: Part 1: introduction, Part 2:
Ethical Dilemma, Part 3: facts and researched info, Part 4: Stakeholders, Part
5: Alternative Actions and Consequences based on different ethical views, Part
6: your recommendation
QUESTION:“The Case “
Assignment 1 Fall- 2012 Case for Ethical
dilemma in HRM
HADY is a
junior consultant with MAXI Technology (MT), a management Consulting firm. HADY
joined MT six months ago, after receiving a Bachelor’s degree in Business
Administration. With limited experience in consulting, HADY was proud to obtain
the job and survive MT’s rigorous two-month orientation and training program.
Over the past few months HADY has been performing research and analysis for a
senior manager in one of the long time company alliance. HADYis so ambitious
and signed a contract for new house and car and he is most eager to get on the
road with some “real world” sales assignments. Because HADY has worked very
hard, his boss has recommended him for a big assignment. Today HADY will visit SAGA
Engineering, a prospective client, along with one other seniorstaff, PHIL who
is a Senior Consultant. HADY is so excited and eager to observe him in actionas
he heard his name many times around the office to be one of the MT’s biggest
earners. HADY doesn’t know too much about the sales presentation assignment.
Basically HADY is going along to observe the meeting and to support PHIL in the
Running to
the airport, HADY bumps into his current boss. She congratulates HADY for
landing the big assignment and for being assigned to PHIL team, and told him that
he is going to be his new boss? HADYwas a bit surprised asPHIL sends lots of
texts and voice messages, but they mainly concern tasks related to the sales
presentation at hand while never mentioning that he is assigned to his team
permanently. PHIL did say that he would talk with HADY more during the visit to
SAGA Engineering.
On the
plane, HADY sits back and tries to relax but he was thinking and unable to
calmly assess his situation with PHIL. PHIL appears, freshly scrubbed and
looking polished and ready for his big presentation. As HADY grabs the
materials for the sales visit from the baggage cart, PHIL explains the set-up
for the day. There will be two hours for PHIL to make the presentation. All the
top players from SAGA Engineering will be present, armed with questions and
pricing concerns. It’s a competitive bid and MT’s biggest competitor will be
there too. In fact, the competitor will be on stage in the morning, they will
take a one hour lunch break and then PHIL will make MT’s presentation after
lunch at 1:00 p.m. PHIL asks HADY for help and gets a bright gleam in his
eyes.“Your main job today is to help me get set-up, run the presentation, and
handle any technical glitch while I’m speaking. Make sure there are plenty of
handouts for the client. Try to read the audience, in fact, take notes while
I’m speaking. Oh — there’s one other thing.
”Get a copy
of our competitors’ proposal and pricing materials sometime during the day.
These meetings are hectic and disorganized – people come and go – there will be
an opportunity at some point during lunch. Just grab one of the packets and
throw it in your briefcase – they’ll never miss it. We’re going head-to-head
here; I need any advantage I can get.” The two arrive at the airport taxi
stand. PHIL edges toward the curb and is waving for the next car. HADY realizes
that the new boss has just asked for something that doesn’t feel quite right. SAGAEngineeringheadquarters is
a short twenty-minute cab ride away.
the case (define the ethical dilemma, get the facts, define the stakeholders
from your point of view, raise recommendations related to different ethics
views from both Hady and other stakeholders) in your analysis reflect on the
is the short- term and long-term recommendations related to HR practice/s that
needs improving in this case?
type of training can HR provide to new MT employees to help with this dilemma?
A Framework For
Analysis And Recommended Ethical Decision Making In HRM
Fall 2012
Recognize an
Ethical Issue
Could this decision or situation be damaging to someone or to some
group? Does this decision involve a choice between a good and bad alternative,
or perhaps between two “goods” or between two “bads”?
Is this issue about more than what is legal or what is most
efficient? If so, how? What are the norms, principles, and values related to
the case?
the Facts
What are the relevant facts of the case? What facts are not known?
Can I learn more about the situation? Do I know enough to make a decision?
What individuals and groups have an important stake in the outcome?
Are some concerns more important? Why?
What are the options for acting? Have all the relevant persons and
groups been consulted? Have I identified creative options?
Alternative Actions
Evaluate the options by asking the following questions:
Which option will produce the most good and do the least harm? (The
Utilitarian Approach)
Which option best respects the rights of all who have a stake? (The
Rights Approach)
Which option treats people equally or proportionately? (The Justice
Which option best serves the community as whole, not just some
members? (Integrative Social Contracts Theory)
Assessing alternatives Ethically
Utilitarian Theory
1. Which action will do the most good and the least harm for
everyone who is affected?
2. How did you determine what is “the most good” and “the least
harm”? Did all team members agree?
3. Explain your choice.
Rights Theory
1. Which action protects and furthers the rights of the
2. When stakeholder rights are in conflict, how do you decide whose
rights take precedence?
3. Which action would you want done to you if the roles were
4. Would you want to live in a world where everyone engaged in the
5. Explain your answers.
Justice Theory
1. Which action produces a fair distribution of benefits and costs
for all stakeholders?
2. How do you determine what is fair? Who decides?
3. What action provides stakeholders with equal liberty and equal
4. Explain your choices.
Integrative Theory
1. What action cares for those individuals with whom you have a
special relationship?
2. Which action helps those who are vulnerable and dependent on
3. Explain your choices
a Decision and Test It
Considering all these approaches, which option best, addresses the
If I told someone which option I have chosen, what would they say?
and Reflect on the Outcome
Transparency –
am I happy to make my decision public – especially to the people affected by
Effect –
have I fully considered the harmful effects of my decision and how to avoid
Fairness –
would my decision be considered fair by everyone affected by it (consider”>stakeholders –
the effects of decisions can be far-reaching)
We want to base
our decision on our understanding of what is ethical or not in HRM practices