•Mr. Henry King
is of 50 years of age and was suffering from arthritis.
•He was taken to
seek consultation from the rheumatologist by his wife.
was educated till high school and his wife also had education tillhere.
•The father of King died because of
arthritis and due to this, Kingbelieves that there is
no use of diagnosis as nothing much can be done in his disease.
Mrs. King does not believe in this and so tried to find crediblewebsite
with the help of a nurse
to Evaluate Websites
Following information should be considered while
finding a reliable website which has relevant and reliable information,(Nlm.nih.gov, 2015)
First of all, try to know the ones who
run the website and whether they are trustworthy.
Try to find out about the things that is
said in the website and if these information is correct or not.
Determine when the information posted in
the website was reviewed last and always make sure that the information is up
to date.
to know if scientific research is the basis of the information.
Lastly determine the purpose of
existence of the website. Sometimes advertisement or sale of a particular
products is the only aim of some websites which post information and these
information are not related to products at all.
Suspect Website
In a suspect website, mostly information
which is outdated is posted and there is never review of the information which
is posted in the website.
The website is generally not authentic
and scientific proof is not provided along with the information which is posted
of a suspect site is http://everydayroots.com/arthritis-
remedies,(Everyday Roots, 2013)
A Credible Website
Following points should be considered while finding
a credible site
The information provided by the site
should have scientific facts and review of the information has been done
The account information of the website
should be authentic and correct.
The main aim of the website is to
provide specific information and not to sell particular content. An example of
an authentic website is; http://www.cdc.gov/arthritis/about.htm,(Cdc.gov, 2015)
Cdc.gov,. (2015). CDC – Arthritis – About Us.
Retrieved on January 2016, from http://www.cdc.gov/arthritis/about.htm
Everyday Roots,. (2013). 14 Home Remedies for
Arthritis & Joint Pain | Everyday Roots. Retrieved on January
2016, from http://everydayroots.com/arthritis-remedies
Nlm.nih.gov,. (2015). Evaluating
Internet Health Information: A Tutorial from the National Library of
Medicine. Retrieved on January 2016, fromhttp://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/webeval/webeval. html