Word count: 1500(DO NOT OVER 1500 WORDS!!)
Reference style: Harvard style
Sources need to be used in the following three textbook, other sources should comes from GOOGLE SCHOLAR, should be MAIN source,CAN NOT use SECONDARY sources! ! !
There are three books for sources(PLEASE ALSO CITED THEM IN TEXT) link to access the online books:(all text books below have to log in to view, please use the user ID and password provide below to log in) Marketing Concepts and Strategies: https://www.dawsonera.com/guard/protected/dawson.jsp?name=https://webauth.soton.ac.uk/shibboleth&dest=http://www.dawsonera.com/depp/reader/protected/external/AbstractView/S9781408071144 Exploring Corporate Strategy:https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/soton-ebooks/reader.action?docID=5136865
Management and Organisational Behaviour:https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/soton-ebooks/reader.action?docID=5139571 user ID: zp2n19 password: Pzq120259
Assignment description: Reflect upon your experiences within the Business Simulation to assess how you might effectively manage your business team into the future. Note (1): See Grade Descriptor for marking criteria.(the grade descriptor is in the file, please follow the DISTINCTION level 80-100 when doing the assignment! ! !) Note (2): All Learning Outcomes listed above apply to this assignment. Throughout this Semester students will have been engaged within an experiential learning process through a realistic and comprehensive business simulation, LIAISE.(The explain for LIAISE is also in the file) This simulation provides a complex and challenging business environment, having originally been designed and built in conjunction with executives from several international companies. The objective has been to outperform competitors through stronger growth in sales and profit relative to last year’s performance, for both manufacturing and retail arms within a supply chain. During a whole year of trading students will have formulated and implemented management strategies, aspiring to “win” the Simulation exercise. To do this students will have studied business management concepts to guide business thinking and put concepts into practice through analysis and decision-making.