1: Specifically, how does The Coca-Cola Company today exemplify the business
case for diversity? Going forward, what threats could there be to the
continuation of Coca-Cola’s progress in terms of diversity management?
Coca-Cola is considered as a global brand in thehighly
competitive market with thehighly diverse customer base globally. The business
case of Coca-Cola supports diversity as the competitive advantage in the terms
of the product development, employees as their human capital, diversity of the
suppliers, global presence, community relations as well as marketing
communication, etc.
The best corporate strategy with the Coca-Cola is to create
differentiation in the cola market by differentiating through product portfolio
and price wars. The Company also needs to come up with good marketing
techniques for its products to outperform competition. Since 1992, the company
had spotted what it could be considered as the significant gaps within the
beverage market.
Changes in the corporate leadership style of the company,
lack of the financial resources especially because of the fall in sales etc.,
could primarily decrease the current emphasis on the value of diversity.
Question 2:
Responding to a fellow classmate with depth and example.
I agree with your view that personal behaviors and opinions
should be kept private. Considering the current scenario, a common
understanding needs to be built rather than only religious views taking over
decision making. For e.g. most of the international flights serve alcohol, so
will the person forbidden to take liquor by religion will even refrain from
even entering the flight? This would not be the scenario in most of the cases.
So, ethics has a very broader meaning and cannot be restricted to personal and
religious beliefs. I agree that personal beliefs cannot be outlier for general
public and should be kept out of the mind while taking certain decisions. What
will happen if someday Vegetarian cab drivers (like Hindus) take a decision of
no allowing people eating non-veg to their cabs?This would certainly be another
unacceptable decision. We should not have selective bias on any premise that
falls outside ethical preview.