1-This week you will create a survey and distribute it to at least ten people. This survey should examine the access of women to higher learning, equal opportunity and family relationships.
You will then analyze the results based upon the information within this week’s “Explore” Learning Module and this week’s readings. Provide your findings in a chart that compares these results. Include an analysis that is at least 250 words.
250 words
2- Reflect back to the material covered in the chapters. In at least 250 words, answer the following question:
Think about a time when your department at work experienced a conflict or a disagreement with another department or group. What was the nature of the conflict and how did your group respond and manage the conflict?
250 words
4-Case Study- Successful Partnership at Ford-Mazda
What means of managing group conflicts, as discussed in Chapter 9, are used in the Ford-Mazda partnership?
Why do you think the Ford-Mazda partnership has been so successful, while many others (including those listed at the beginning of the case) haven’t been?
250 words