Assignment Guideline: Written assignment
The objective is to develop a co-production research design integrating a problematization of a problem situation and a design of a research project within the domain of innovation and design. This assignment involves the construction of a research design with appropriate focus on exploring different qualitative, quantitative and co-productive methods. Written assignment (INL1) examines learning outcomes 2 and 4. Students should write a text individually that in all respects shows that he or she has acquired theoretical and practical knowledge of research methods for knowledge-generating, co- productive projects in innovation and design. It should report and focus on two or more specific methods which should be supported through an ambitious literature review. Students should reflect on different levels in the initial phases of method considerations. This also includes an aware choice of theoretical perspectives including their methodological consequences. Methods chosen should be carefully described in detail and should compare and evaluate qualitative oriented and quantitative oriented research designs for the chosen research focus. Extensive formal references to academic sources are expected. It should be between 4000- 5000 words.
The objective of the course is for students to acquire theoretical and practical knowledge pertinent to the design of a pre study for a knowledge- generating, co-productive project in innovation and design. The purpose of INL1 is to develop a co-production research design integrating a problematization of a problem situation and a design of a research project within the domain of innovation and design. As a mean to achieve this the students will write an individual paper (INL1). In the assignment the following learning outcomes are expected to be achieved:
<link is hidden> and analyse different stakeholders’ needs in co¬productive projects
<link is hidden> apply and evaluate scientific methods
[Content and form]
Students should write a text individually that in all respects shows that he or she has acquired theoretical and practical knowledge of research methods for knowledge-generating, co-productive projects in innovation and design. It should report and focus on two or more specific methods which should be supported through a literature review. It should be a more detailed and developed reflection compared to PMO1. Students should reflect on different levels in the initial phases of method considerations. INL1 should focus on the problem formulation, which should be justified through a literature research overviewing relevant knowledge in the academic field(s) and thus qualifying the topic into an academic problem formulation (beyond any practical implications of the issue). This also includes an aware choice of theoretical perspectives including their methodological consequences. Methods chosen should be carefully described in detail and should describe and compare a more qualitative oriented and a more quantitative oriented research design for the chosen research focus. Finally, the expected data collection should be described, and possible consequences of their result discussed in the concluding.
[Evaluation guideline]
INL1 is examined with respect to course objective and learning outcomes. The co-productive research design is examined in the following dimensions:
1. Description and analysis of different stakeholders’ needs. Problematization and formulation of research focus.
2. Grounding in relevant empirical information, and academic and other methodology and research focus specific literature.
3. Review and choice of theoretical perspectives.
4. Description, selection and evaluation of scientific methods.
5. Proposals and recommendations for research design, including comparing a more qualitative oriented and a more quantitative oriented research design for the chosen research focus.
6. Seminar presentation of work.
7. Review of report of fellow student. Formal structure and language of report.
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