Case Study Report: “What is normal development?”
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Life Span Stage of Case Study
- Identify the lifespan stage relevant for your case study (providing an academic reference).
- Summarise the key considerations and milestones of physical, cognitive, and psychosocial development at the lifespan stage relevant to your case study (utilising academic references).
Critical Appraisal of Case Study
- Using at least three (3) examples from the case study, explain how genetics, environmental factors and relationships have influenced development at the lifespan stage relevant to your case study (utilising academic references).
- Examine and apply at least two (2) developmental psychology theories to explain the physical, cognitive, and psychosocial development experienced by the case study (utilising academic references).
- Explain what further information would be required to fully understand the influences on the developmental stage of your case study and how you would recommend further information be gathered. For example, would the use of observation, interviews, health checks or further testing help to uncover as much as possible about the case study situation?
- How could your case study’s lifespan development could be further supported going forward? Consider examples across nutrition, living conditions, education, and healthcare. Identify three (3) evidenced-based strategies (utilising academic references) that could improve the current or future lifespan stage for the individual, ensuring they are appropriate for their age, culture and resources.
Plain-language summary of recommendations
- If you were a health professional discussing your case study’s development with their family, summarise using a plain language summary how you would explain their development (physical, cognitive, and psychosocial) and provide them with recommendations about how the family can support healthy development of the case study.
Reference List
APA 7th edition with hanging indent: