Assignment #2: Summary-Analysis – Comparative Analysis with Primary and Secondary Sources
Write a 3-4 page analysis essay on one of the following articles: “In Defense of Cultural Appropriation,” or “Tigger Warnings and the Swaddled Generation.”
Like the first assignment, the introductory paragraph will summarize the article. The thesis will come at the end of the summary. The bodies will analyze author’s argument(s).
To support your thesis, you will need to include primary and secondary evidence. If you choose to analyze “Trigger Warnings,” you’ll use “Harvard Study” as secondary evidence; if you choose to analyze “In Defense of Cultural Appropriation,” you’ll use “A Guide to Understanding Cultural Appropriation.”
Provide at least 4 total quotes or paraphrases from articles to support your thesis; include in-text citations and a work cited page. All of the articles are electronic version, so you will not include page numbers.
Both sources must be cited.
Use MLA format (heading, spacing, margins, page numbering), present tense, and third person point of view.
Example Works Cited Citation:
Provide the author name, article name in quotation marks, title of the web magazine in italics, publisher name, publication date, URL, and the date of access.
Bernstein, Mark. “10 Tips on Writing the Living Web.” A List Apart: For People Who Make Websites, 16 Aug. 2002, Accessed 4 May 2009.
Example Quote with In-text Citation:
When speaking with his men, Cross states, “It was very sad, he thought. The things men carried inside” (O’Brien 811).
Format: Your essay must be 3-4 typewritten pages, use 12-point font, double spacing, and 1” margins all around. Each paper must use double-space MLA heading that states your name, my name, the course (ENG 102) and the date due in the top left corner of the first page:
Jane Student
Professor Brian Heljenek
ENG 102
12 September 2015
Expectations of Written Work:
Student papers will be graded on unity, development, organization, clarity, and style; all papers must adhere to MLA style specifications. When discussing literature students must use present tense and third person point of view.
Content and Organization:
Your essay must have an introduction that summaries the text, a clearly stated thesis at the end of the introduction, paragraphs that begin with a topic sentence that supports the thesis, body paragraphs that are unified, coherent and fully-developed, and conclusion that summarizes and evaluates the body paragraphs. Papers must be appropriate to the assignment, address all parts of the assignment, and display imaginative treatment of the subject.
Development / Analysis:
Your essay must use relevant examples from the article to support its thesis. Use at least three quotes and/or paraphrases; integrate paraphrases and quotes, document evidence correctly and thoroughly using MLA guidelines, and support generalizations with details.
Unity and Coherence:
Your essay must introduce its limited subject clearly (the article and the 2-3 aspect(s) you will analyze), relate all information to the limited subject (the article) and the appropriate topic (rhetorical strategy), use smooth transitions and conclude purposely.
Style and Mechanics:
Your essay should be written in a readable style, with clear grammatical sentences and correct spelling and punctuation. Avoid errors in diction and syntax; follow correct MLA format. No fragments, comma splices or run-on sentences.
*A thesis statement is one sentence at the end of your introduction that states the purpose of your essay, which is to analyze two or three specific aspects of an article. Your thesis must provide a judgment about your limited subject and introduce the topics that support your reaction.
*An Example Thesis:
In the article “A Supreme Double Standard,” Adam Cohen’s inclusion of logos illustrates a lack of focus and poor organization.
*An Example Topic Sentence:
By including links to articles that do not directly apply to the author’s topic, Cohen distracts the reader. *For clarification, you should review the sample papers in Blackboard.
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